Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Critique of Transcultural Nursing

Discuss whether nursing Is a profession or an occupation. What can current and future nurses do to enhance nursing's standing as a profession? Nursing Is a profession. According to Mencken and Wills (2014) â€Å"profession Is a learned vocation or occupation that has a status of superiority and precedence within a Dillon of work† (p. 2). I believe this describes nursing but needed more evidence to make my decision.I considered the â€Å"characteristics off profession: a defined and specialized knowledge base, control and authority over training and education, credentialing system, altruistic service to society, formal training within institutions of higher education, lengthy colonization to the profession and autonomy† (Mencken & Wills, 2014, p. 2). The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (â€Å"NCSA Home,† n. D. Help to define the nursing knowledge base, have authority over training by requiring that training at institutions of higher education meet the standards of approval by boards of nursing and that nurses graduating from an approved nursing program are clinically competent to practice nursing by assign the national council licenser exam (â€Å"UNCLE Examinations,† n. D. ). Nursing at Its core Is an altruistic profession. Altruism Is defined as â€Å"feelings and behavior that show a desire to help other people and a lack of selfishness† (â€Å"Altruism – Merriam- Webster Dictionary,† n. D. ).Nurses provide care because it is needed and not because the nurse will have personal gains from providing such care. Autonomy in nursing can be viewed as a partnership in a multi-disciplinary team in which each ember has a different skill set and working together the patient receives the best possible care. Each member works independently and inter-dependently to meet the varied and unique needs of each individual patient. Nursing as a profession meets or exceeds each characteristic of a profession in my view. Experienced nurses need to help grow the skills and critical thinking of new nurses.Nurses with a wide variety of experiences and skills are better able to act autonomously. When nurses think critically and act In a safe way they provide better, ore efficient care. This leads to Increased patient satisfaction, Increased physician, peer and self-confidence. I find that the area new nurses need the most guidance on is his/her ability to call on knowledge already gained to provide the most effective care. For example, knowing which IV size to choose for a patient who has a possible GIG bleed is something that the preceptor teaches the new nursing graduate.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Influence of the Renaissance on English Literature

Introduction: It is difficult to date or define the Renaissance. Etymologically the term, which was first used in England only as late as the nineteenth century, means' â€Å"re-birth†. Broadly speaking, the Renaissance implies that re-awakening of learning which came to Europe in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. The Renaissance was not only an English but a European phenomenon; and basically considered, it signalised a thorough substitution of the medieval habits of thought by new attitudes. The dawn of the Renaissance came first to Italy and a little later to France. To England it came much later, roughly about the beginning of the sixteenth century. As we have said at the outset, it is difficult to date the Renaissance; however, it may be mentioned that in Italy the impact of Greek learning was first felt when after the Turkish conquest of Constantinople the Greek scholars fled and took refuge in Italy carrying with them a vast treasure of ancient Greek literature in manuscript. The study of this literature fired the soul and imagination of the Italy of that time and created a new kind of intellectual and aesthetic culture quite different from that of the Middle Ages. The light of the Renaissance came very slowly to the isolated island of England, so that when it did come in all its brilliance in the sixteenth century, the Renaissance in Italy had already become a spent force. It is difficult to define the Renaissance, but its broad implications in England do not defy discussion. Michelet exaggeratedly calls the Renaissance â€Å"discovery by mankind of himself and of the world. This is, indeed, too sweeping. More correctly we can say that the following are the implications of the Renaissance in England : (a) First, the Renaissance meant the death of mediaeval scholasticism which had for long been keeping human thought in bondage. The schoolmen got themselves entangled in useless controversies and tried to apply the principles of Aristotelean . philosophy t o the doctrines of Christianity, thus giving birth to a vast literature characterised by polemics, casuistry, and sophistry which did not advance man in any way. b) Secondly, it signalised a revolt against spiritual authority-the authority of the Pope. The Reformation, though not part of the revival of learning, was yet a companion movement in England. This defiance of spiritual authority went hand in hand with that of intellectual authority. Renaissance intellectuals distinguished themselves by their flagrant anti-authoritarianism. (c) Thirdly, the Renaissance implied a greater perception of beauty and polish in the Greek and Latin scholars. This beauty and this polish were sought by Renaissance men of letters to be incorporated in their native literature. Further, it meant the birth of a kind of imitative tendency implied in the term â€Å"classicism. † (d) Lastly, the Renaissance marked a change from the theocentric to the homocentric conception of the universe. Human life, pursuits, and even body came to be glorified. â€Å"Human life†, as G. H. Mair observes, â€Å"which the mediaeval Church had taught them [the people] to regard but as a threshold and stepping-stone to eternity, acquired suddenly a new momentousness and value. . The â€Å"otherworldliness† gave place to â€Å"this-worldliness†. Human values came to be recognised as permanent values, and they were sought to be enriched and illumined by the heritage of antiquity. This bred a new kind of paganism and marked the rise of humanism as also, by implication, materialism. Let us now consider the impact of the Renaissance on the va rious departments of English literature. Non-creative Literature: Naturally enough, the first impact of the Renaissance in England was registered by the universities, being the repositories of all learning. Some English scholars, becoming aware of the revival of learning in Italy, went to that country to benefit by it and to examine personally the manuscripts brought there by the fleeing Greek scholars of Constantinople. Prominent among these scholars were William Grocyn (14467-1519), Thomas Linacre (1460-1524), and John Colet (14677-1519). After returning from Italy they organised the teaching of Greek in Oxford. They were such learned and reputed scholars of Greek that Erasmus came all the way from Holland to learn Greek from them. Apart from scholars, the impact of the Renaissance is also; in a measure, to be seen on the work of the educationists of the age. Sir Thomas Elyot (14907-1546) wrote the Governour (1531) which is a treatise on moral philosophy modelled on Italian works and full of the spirit of Roman antiquity. Other educationists were Sir John Cheke (1514-57), Sir Thomas Wilson (1525-81), and Sir Roger Ascham (1515-68). Out of all the educationists the last named is the most important, on account of his Scholemaster published two years after his death. Therein he puts forward his views on the teaching of the classics. His own style is too obviously based upon the ancient Roman writers. â€Å"By turns†, remarks Legouis, â€Å"he imitates Cicero's periods and Seneca's nervous conciseness†. In addition to these well-known educationists must be mentioned the sizable number of now obscure ones—†those many unacknowledged, unknown guides who, in school and University, were teaching men to admire and imitate the masterpieces of antiquity† (Legouis). Prose: The most important prose writers who exhibit well the influence of the Renaissance on English prose are Erasmus, Sir Thomas More, Lyly, and Sidney. The first named was a Dutchman who, as we have already said, came to Oxford to learn Greek. His chief work was The Praise of Folly which is the English translation of his most important work-written in England. It is, according to Tucker Brook, â€Å"the best expression in literature of the attack that the Oxford reformers were making upon the medieval system. † Erasmus wrote this work in 1510 at the house of his friend Sir Thomas More who was executed at the bidding of Henry VIII for his refusal to give up his allegiance to the ‘ Pope. More's famous prose romance Utopia was, in the words of Legouis, â€Å"true prologue to the Renaissance. † It was the first book written by an Englishman which achieved European fame; but it was written in Latin (1516) and only later (1555) was translated into English. Curiously enough, the next work by an English man again to acquire European fame-Bacon's Novum Organwn-was also written originally in Latin. The word â€Å"Utopiaâ €  is from Greek â€Å"ou topos† meaning â€Å"no place†. More's Utopia is an imaginary island which is the habitat of an ideal republic. By the picture of the ideal state is implied a kind of social criticism of contemporary England. More's indebtedness to Plato's Republic is quite obvious. However, More seems also to be indebted to the then recent discoveries of the explorers and navigators-like Columbus and Vasco da Gama who were mostly of Spanish and Portuguese nationalities. In Utopia, More discredits mediaevalism in all its implications and exalts the ancient Greek culture. Legouis observes about this work : â€Å"The Utopians are in revolt against the spirit of chivalry : they hate warfare and despise soldiers. Communism is the law of the land; all are workers for only a limited number of hours. Life should be pleasant for all; asceticism is condemned. More relies on the goodness of human nature, and intones a hymn to the glory of the senses which reveal nature's wonders. In Utopia all religions are authorized, and tolerance is the law. Scholasticism is scoffed at, and Greek philosophy preferred to that of Rome. From one end to the other of the book More reverses medieval beliefs. † More's Utopia created a new genre in which can be classed such works as Bacon's The New Atlantis (1626), Samuel Butler's Erewhon (1872), W. H. Mallock's The New Republic (1877), Richard Jefferies' After London (1885), W. H. Hudson's The Crystal Age (1887), William Morris† News from Nowhere, and H. G. Well's A Modern Utopia (1905). Passing on to the prose writers of the Elizabethan age-the age of the flowering of the Renaissance-we find them markedly influenced both in their style and thought-content by the revival of the antique classical learning. Sidney in Arcadia, Lyly in Euphues, and Hooker in The Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity write an English which is away from the language of common speech, and is either too heavily laden—as in the case of Sidney and Lyly-with bits of classical finery, or modelled on Latin syntax, as in the case of Hooker. Cicero ? eemed to these writers a verv obvious and respectable model. Bacon, however, in his sententiousness and cogency comes near Tacitus and turns away from the prolixity, diffuseness, and ornamentation associated with Ciceronian prose. Further, in his own career and his Essays, Bacon stands as a representative of the materialistic, Machiavellian facet of the Renaissance, particularly of Renaissance Italy. He combines in himself the dispassionate pursuit of truth and the keen desire for material advance. Poetry: Sir Thomas Wyatt (1503-42) and the Earl of Surrey (15177-47) were pioneers of the new poetry in England. After Chaucer the spirit of English poetry had slumbered for upward of a century. The change in pronunciation in the fifteenth century had created a lot of confusion in prosody which in the practice of such important poets as Lydgate and Skelton had been reduced to a mockery. â€Å"The revival†, as Legoius says, â€Å"was an uphill task; verse had to be drawn from the languor to which it had sunk in Stephen Hawes, and from the disorder in which a Skelton had plunged it; all had to e done anew†. It was Wyatt and Surrey who came forward to do it. As Mair puts it, it is with â€Å"these two courtiers that the modern English poetry begins. † Though they wrote much earlier, it was only in 1557, a year before Elizabeth's coronation, that their work was published in Tottel's Miscellany which is, according to G. H. Mair, â€Å"one of the landmarks of English literatu re. † Of the two, Wyatt had travelled extensively in Italy and France and had come under the spell of Italian Renaissance. It must be remembered that the work of Wyatt and Surrey does not reflect the impact of the Rome of antiquity alone,. but also that of modern Italy. So far as versification is concerned, Wyatt and Surrey imported into England various new Italian metrical patterns. Moreover, they gave English poetry a new sense of grace, dignity, delicacy, and harmony which was found by them lacking iil the works of Chaucer and the Chaucerians alike. Further, they Were highly influenced by the love poetry of Petrarch and they did their best to imitate it. Petrarch's love poetry is of the courtly kind, in which the pining lover is shown as a â€Å"servant† of his mistress with his heart tempest-tossed by her neglect and his mood varying according to her absence or presence. There is much of idealism, if not downright artificiality, in this kind of love poetry. It goes to the credit of Wyatt to have introduced the sonnet into English literature, and of Surrey to have first written blank verse. Both the sonnet and blank verse were later to be practised by a vast number of the best English poets. According to David Daiches. Wyatt's sonnets represent one of the most interesting movements toward metrical discipline to be found in English literary history. † Though in his sonnets he did not employ regular iambic pentameters yet he created a sense of discipline among the poets of his times who had forgotten the lesson and example of Chaucer and, like Skelton, were writing â€Å"ragged† and â€Å"jagged† lines which jarred so unpleasantly upon the ear. As Tillyard puts it, Wyatt â€Å"let the Renaissance into English verse† by importing Italian and French patterns of sentiment as well as versification. He wrote in all thirty-two sonnets out of which seventeen are adaptations of Petrarch. Most of them (twenty-eight) have the rhyme-scheme of Petarch's sonnets; that is, each has the octave a bbaabba and twenty-six out of these twenty-eight have the c d d c e e sestet. Only in the last three he comes near what is called the Shakespearean formula, that is, three quatrains and a couplet. In the thirtieth sonnet he exactly produced it; this sonnet rhymes a b a b, a b a b, a b a b, c c. Surrey wrote about fifteen or sixteen sonnets out of which ten use the Shakespearean formula which was. to enjoy the greatest popularity among the sonneteers of the sixteenth century. Surrey's work is characterised by . exquisite grace and tenderness which we find missing from that of Wyatt. Moreover, he is a better craftsman and gives greater harmony to his poetry. Surrey employed blank verse in his translation of the fourth book of The Aeneid, the work which was first translated into English verse by Gavin Douglas a generation earlier, but in heroic couplets. Drama: The revival of ancient classical learning scored its first clear impact on English drama in the middle of the sixteenth century. Previous to this impact there had been a pretty vigorous native tradition of drama, particularly comedy. This tradition had its origin in the liturgical drama and had progressed through the miracle and the mystery, and later the morality, to the interlude. John Heywood had written quite a few vigorous interludes, but they were altogether different in tone, spirit, and purpose from the Greek and Roman drama of antiquity. The first English regular tragedy Gorboduc (written by Sackville and Norton, and first acted in 1562) and comedy Ralph Roister Doister (written about 1550 by Nicholas Udall) were very much imitations of classical tragedy and comedy. It is interesting to note that English dramatists came not under the spell of the ancient Greek dramatists â€Å"(Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, the tragedy writers, and Aristophanes, the comedy writer) but the Roman dramatists (Seneca, the tragedy writer, and Plautus and. Terence! the comedv writers). It was indeed unfortunate, as Greek drama is vastly superior to Roman drama. Gpfboduc is a s'avish imitation of Senecan tragedy and has all its features without much of its life. Like Senecan tragedy it has revenge as the tragic —otive, has most of its important incidents (mostly murders) narrated on the -stage by messengers, has much of rhetoric and verbose declamation, has a ghost among its dramatis personae, and so forth. ‘. â€Å". is indeed a good instance of the â€Å"blood and thunder† kind' of tragedy. Ralph Roister Doister is modelled upon Plautus and Terence. It is based on the stupid endeavours of the hero for winning the love of a married woman. There is the cunning, merry slave-Matthew Merrygreek-a descendant of the Plautine slave who serves as the motive power which keeps the play going. Later on, the â€Å"University Wits† struck a note of independence in their dramatic work. They refused to copy Roman drama as slavishly as the writers of Gorboduc and Roister Doister. Even so, their plays are not free from the impact of the Renaissance; rather they show it as amply, though not in the same way. In their imagination they were all fired by the new literature which showed them new dimensions of human capability. They were humanists through and through. All of them—Lyly, Greene, Peele, Nashe, Lodge, Marlowe, and Kyd-show in their dramatic work not, of course, a slavish tendency to ape the ancients but a chemical action of Renaissance learning on the native genius fired by the enthusiasm of discovery and aspiration so typical of the Elizabethan age. In this respect Marlowe stands in the fore-front of the University Wits. Rightly has he been called â€Å"the true child of the Renaissance†.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 23

Management - Essay Example Fly Emirates has won international awards such as, Global Airline of the Year and the Fastest Growing Airline in the world. In 2007, this airline was ranked tenth amongst the top carriers worldwide in terms of revenue and passenger kilometer. In 2009, it was ranked as seventh largest airline in international passengers carried and fourth largest in scheduled international passenger kilometers flown. Recently in 2009, research consultancy firm Skytrax selected it as the fifth best airline in the world. Emirates provide quality service to its customers, flights are punctual, adequate and quality food is provided on boards and a lot of personalized services such as personal television and film library are complemented to the customers. Emirates Airline has also sponsored various events held in Dubai such as Dubai Shopping Festival, Dubai Summer Surprises, Dubai World Cup, Dubai Desert Classic and Dubai Tennis Championships. There are four major types of information systems, i.e. executive support system, management support system, decision support system and transaction support system. These are designed to support all organizations in carrying out their daily operations effectively and efficiently. All these four information systems correspond to each organizational level; Transaction Support System (TSS) operates at the operational level. Operational level system is the lowest level where the operational managers keep a sound track of all the primary activities and transactions that occur within the organization. The operational manager has to track sales, receipts, cash deposits, payroll, and make credit decisions and manage the basic flow of activities (Laudon, 2007). All these activities are carried out in a computerized system that performs and records the daily activities of the business. United Arab Emirates Airline might use this information system in booking Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6 Management - Essay Example 2011). The idea of launching the organization was to satisfy the needs of the families in diverse businesses. Families in the past face difficulty in coordinating family affairs and business. The business requires adequate concentration just like the family. Most of the businesspersons that coordinate with both family and business have faced intensive challenges. This illustrates that, for both the family and business to become successful, the businessperson needs to balance between the two entities. The introduction of the ‘Family Firm institute, Inc’ was mainly an idea to rescue the Los Angeles parents from both family and business frustrations. In the initial stage of the establishment of the organization, the ‘Family Firm institute, Inc’ faced challenges in attaining members (Your 2011). Owners of the family members were not willing to join the organization because of the lack of enough information concerning the organization. Being a mem ber of the organization, the ‘Family Firm institute, Inc’ has enabled me to acquire skills in maintenance of the family business and remains responsible to the family affairs. In most cases, the owners of the family business lack the knowledge of maintaining an intimate relationship with the family and perform business activities. For this reason, the businesspersons fail in one of the fields because of failure in management of the family business and the other family related issues. ... It is not an easy task to maintain the business and other family responsibilities. For this reason, the ‘Family Firm institute, Inc’ has been doing a recommendable job in ensuring that the business owners are capable of achieving the best management skills. However, there are several diverse challenges that the Family Firm institute Inc has been facing in the past few years. The problems have given a negative feedback to the performance of the organization hence affecting the number of new enrollment staffs (Robert, 2011). However, one of the key problems that the ‘Family Firm institute, Inc’ is facing is the lack of a common understanding among the members of the organization. In any given organization, there should be an equivalent understanding between the employees and employers in terms of background and gender. The correlation of employees with each another to deliver outstanding duties and roles at the expected time interval. Conflict in the ‘Fa mily Firm institute, Inc’ arises majorly because of diversity in the educational backgrounds of the people, political difference and preferences, ethical heritage, gender and personal experiences (Robert, 2011). The conflict that arises between the employees has made it almost impossible for the ‘Family Firm institute, Inc’ to achieve its expected goals. The management and the employees lack the appropriate reinforcement to works together as a team to accomplish the roles and duties of the organization. The challenges affect the progress of the organization thus reduce the competence of the employees. The perception of the managers has even made it hard for the problem to be solved in the organization. The key role of the ‘Family Firm institute, Inc’ is to instill professional

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Final Strategic Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Final Strategic Plan - Essay Example Also, the strategy designed by the firm should be highly compatible to provide the needed push to the organization so that it can gain leverage out of the potential business opportunities existing in the market, while using the firm’s existing strengths and resources. In the current times, the trend is to design strategic objectives which are SMART in nature. To be more specific, SMART framework stands for factors like specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (Frey & Osterloh, 2002, p. 234). In this particular case, it needs to be identified that the existing opportunities of Super Fit Gym are the factors of potential growth of the population in the upcoming days as well as the highly convenient pricing of the firms’ services. Hence, the following strategies can be designed: 1. The first strategy will be to continuously engage in the process of marketing so as to create awareness about the Gym’s services. 2. The second strategy will be to engage in recruiting highly experienced and skilled trainers and experts, so as to provide the best gym services to the customers. 3. The third strategy will be to engage in the process of designing a highly attractive promotion package (Verma, 2012, p. 614). 4. The final strategy will be to periodically engage in customer satisfaction survey and introduce necessary changes in the service offerings that are required from time to time. Implementation of the strategies While concentrating on the process of implementation of the strategies, it needs to be stated that the SMART factors need to be implemented to the maximum extent possible. Hence, talking in regard to the first strategy, it can be said that for the purpose of value communication of the services, Super Fit Gym, to the desired target audience, a proper marketing campaign needs to be executed. While engaging in the marketing campaign, the gym should set a time line of around 45 days for execution. The second strategy discusses th e factor of recruiting experts and highly experienced trainers. For this, the Gym can conduct performance based recruitment. This particular move will help Super Fit Gym to acquire high quality human resources who will be acting as the main deliverer of services and who will be highly critical in the developing the brand factor as well as customer satisfaction of the target audience. The third strategy, which talks about promotion, needs to be executed in phase by phase manner. In order to gather members of the target audience in a rapid note, the gym should consider providing price discount on the memberships to the customers who opt for early registrations. These promotion based discounts need to be rolled for a period of two weeks in a time period of every three months. This will help in attracting new customers to the fitness organization. The fourth strategy needs to be conducted for measuring customers’ satisfaction. For measurement of the value of the services, the fit ness organization should be conducting satisfaction surveys after the end of every two months from the firm’s existing customers. Actions to address ethical, legal, and regulatory issues Since Super Fit Gym provides service based offerings to the customers, the values and services provided are

Identify Potential Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Identify Potential Issues - Essay Example Deaths in police custody are usually the result of torture to extort information or to teach the person concerned a lesson (Pucl Bulletin October 1981). Leigh, A., Johnson, G. & Ingram, A. (1998) established this as a problem. The police are expected to detain individuals they believe to have broken the law. However, they also have a duty to protect any individual they have arrested or detained for their own safety. It is this dual responsibility that makes any death in police custody disturbing and potentially controversial. For families of the deceased it can be particularly distressing to learn not only that someone they were close to has died, but also that this happened whilst they were in police custody. For the police officers involved, the death itself will have been traumatic and the resulting inquiries are likely to place them under intense personal pressure. Though this is not possible to fully eradicate this problem, value of correcting this problem will come in terms of social benefits. The detained, the police and the near and dear one of the detainee all will have relief when they will be provided assurance by law not to occur deaths in the custodies. By any means if the virtual situation of not taking place any death in police custody comes true, the people will not fear to go in the custody. Police, women and promotion: "The lot of policewomen has been a difficult

Saturday, July 27, 2019

UCLA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

UCLA - Essay Example However, the magnitude of the compromised ethics on the situations differs from one segment to the other. Among the five segments the most ethically compromised situation is act two in which the two businesses talked about have a silent partner. One of the businesses, Chad’s business has Chad as a business partner. This results to unethical undertakings like placing his picture on the business and wearing t-shirts with his name and yet he is dead. The action sets superstition that causes it to be unethical thus influencing the running of the business. Unlike other situations where few individuals compromise ethics, in this segment all the individuals involved in the business compromise ethics. Everybody was wearing a shirt with Chad’s name; the activity of every person involved was shaped by Chad who died before the business started. This makes the segment ideal for explaining an ethically compromised situation. Family businesses are very different in characteristics when compared to other types of businesses. One of the characteristics that makes them unique is that they require succession after a certain period. The business is passed from an incumbent senior generation to a next generation of leadership or ownership (Ward 3). This provides a challenge and opportunities that are rare in other kinds of businesses. Another thing that makes family business rather unique is that unlike the public companies owned by investors who are the main shareholders, this business has an individual owner or a team of owners who are family members. According to Gersick (1), these owners play a very different role from that played by shareholders. They directly influence the running of the business and general performance of the employee of that business which is not the role of the shareholders in the public companies. Family ties prohibit a person from doing certain things to certain members of his family. Private enterprises

Friday, July 26, 2019

Gender And Power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Gender And Power - Essay Example It is in this regards that the paper presents a detailed analysis of the trio to provide a clear cut difference while at the same time initiating various developments in each sector. An examination of gender presents many underlying factors that require a strategy for successful initiation of equality. Gender imbalance remains a common activity in many societies with women disadvantaged while making decisions and carrying out various activities. The roadmap in the gender sector involves achieving equality by addressing six key areas of the society. Employment remains a vital area of consideration in order to achieve gender sustainability (Disch 45). This involves giving equal chances to both the genders with women given equal chances as men. An analysis of labor market points out that there is a structural difference of 15 percent between men and women. The gap continues to widen due to structural inequalities with only 30 percent of women existing as entrepreneurs. This is because, â€Å"Welfare reform is only one dimension of the shrinkage of social support systems from federal and state assistance. The shrinkage of social support is not only affecting the very poor† (Disch 61). For improvement in gender, attempts to increase the percentages become a priority in a road map to achieve a balance. Notably, poverty becomes another crucial element to be addressed to bridge the gap as these leads to heath risks and lack of sustainability power. Since there is an interrelation between gender race and class, improvement of gender without race and class will be invalid. It in this regards that race and class gets addresses while creating employment positions. Young black women for instance find it difficult, to make decisions while at the same time securing employment. Race draws a line in many activities dictating who should be doing what and who should be entering in which place. This is because, â€Å"complex array of antiblack practices, the unjustly gaine d political-economic power of whites†¦ and the white racial ideologies and attitudes created to maintain and rationalize white privilege and power† (Disch 82) Racial analysis is, therefore, a fundamental aspect as it determines many things in the society. For a black boy to secure a place in school, for example, many conditions are given as compared to white children. Consequently, it becomes difficult for a black person to secure an employment opportunity as compared to a white person. In developing countries, white gets treated with respects as compared to how blacks get treated in the same positions. This, therefore, dictates that race play a significant role in the society that needs mainstreaming in order to provide sustainability. The relation of this aspect to gender and class further complicates it as due to its substantial role in determining and dictating success of other avenues. Class is a common phenomenon in the society, which also play a significant role in either motivating racial discrimination or gender disparity. According to research, â€Å"The United States is in the midst of a sizable redistribution of wealth, with a greater concentration of wealth and income in the hands of a few than at most previous periods of time† (Disch 103) People of high class get preferential treatment in every class. This is the same to race where people from a given class of race find privileges than others. This calls for a question with no answer but steps.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Ip2 team and leadership Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ip2 team and leadership - Research Paper Example Based on such a perspective, this paper develops a training guide by analyzing how different aspects affect management and leadership. A number of factors affect leadership and its effectiveness. Such aspects include personalities, values, attitudes, cognitive differences, emotions, and charisma among others. Personalities work to build trust and respect among individuals that one gets involved with others. Other aspects including attitudes, cognitive differences, and emotions enable one to understand how to work with others towards the achievement of other goals (Hawkins, 2011). Courage is a characteristic of leaders enabling them to be different from the norm, establish appropriate changes, and provide for new opportunities (Fisher, 2000). Together with morals, courage enhances the ability of an effective leader to tackle new life challenges without hurting them in any way in driving a particular agenda for the development of an organization. There are five sources of power, which every leader should possess, in order to provide effective leadership. Such include expert power involving a significant domain of knowledge and skills, positional power, as is the case of an organizational CEO, reward power, which works as an influence on the followers of a particular leader. Others include coercive power, the power required to effect discipline among the followers, and personal power that enables a leader to effect personal feeling towards the performance of an individual (Wu,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Business plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business plan - Essay Example Fakiri will manage day-to-day operations of the business. Both have strong management and administration skills. In addition, Ms. Fakiri has experience as she began working with children as baby sitter when she was at the University of Reading. Those skills support Master Minder’s goals. The UK’s changing demographics have led to families becoming more fragmented with parents of young children often finding they have little or no close family support when they start a family. But professional babysitting agencies are an emerging business trend as they provide a cheap form of childcare and represent an attractive option for busy mothers who need help not only with childcare but also with light house hold duties. Childcare provision is a clearly segmented market, as a result of legislation1 and constantly changing market needs. British parents pay high childcare bills and despite Government initiatives and tax changes, there is a growing need for the expansion of private sector services. Service, price and reputation are essential success factors in the childcare services industry. Master Minders will compete well in this industry by offering competitive prices, high-quality childcare services and by maintaining an excellent reputation with parents. Our target customers are dual-income, upper-middle-class families mainly managers and senior officers who value the quality of education for their children. We will start our business on the First January 2009, starting with an initial enrollment of 20 baby sitters. Our first office will be based in Reading. We project healthy revenues and a high net profit for the four first years. The long term vision includes a number of offices through out UK. The high profit will help the company to achieve its long-term goal which is to franchise and/or to become multi-location. Master Minder’s mission is to contribute to the community by filling a need for qualified baby sitters. Master Minders only works with

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Islamic and conventional credit cards Assignment

Islamic and conventional credit cards - Assignment Example The increased demand is not only from clients need for differentiated products but also from corporations who want to carry out all financial dealings in conformity with Sharia laws. The increasing populations of Muslim countries will additionally propel the demand for Sharia - compliant financial services. Many Muslim nations have young populaces, with more than 60% of the citizens under the age of 21 years, in addition to annual population growth rates of more than 5%. Many conservative banks currently are also engaging in the Islamic Banking market due to its intrinsic feature of minimal exposure to operational risk. Islamic banking, because of its strict Sharia submission norms, can help clients decrease the risks related to interest based debt bankrolling that plagued conservative banks especially during the recent financial crisis that hit the mortgage market (Alam (2013). In terms of supply, the main underlying principle of development in Islamic banking is the swelling amount of financial services establishments giving Sharia compliant business solutions. Along with the new Islamic banking institutions that are being designed, there is a developing tendency among current conventional banking institutions to transform their processes to become compliant with Sharia laws. With mounting business rivalries in their home markets, some Islamic banking institutions in the Middle East have begun to multiply globally, with a preliminary attention to Africa and Asia. This amplified rivalry was leading to fresh advanced products being availed to the markets, therefore, rendering Islamic banking more enticing. The initial phases of growth in Islamic banking contend with the concept construction where Sharia specialists examined whether the interest those banks charged was similar to riba. Before 1950s, Muslims were not officially engaging the banking services; so, they did not have any information about bank interest (Shaikh n.d). A

Monday, July 22, 2019

Types of surveillance Essay Example for Free

Types of surveillance Essay Surveillance may be physical, which involves watching a particular entity physically, known as visual surveillance; or it may be achieved by listening (this is known as aural surveillance). Surveillance may also be achieved through the use of image amplification devices like field glasses, binoculars, satellite cameras and so on (Bogonikolos). Electronic circuits have been developed to complement physical surveillance, for example, the Closed-Circuit TV, also known as CCTV, VCR, phone bugging, e-databases and proximity cards have been developed to facilitate surveillance. Apart from physical surveillance, other types of surveillance exist, for example communications surveillance exists which include mail covers and phone interception (Bogonikolos). Another type of surveillance is known as data surveillance or Dataveillance which involves the systematic use of personal data systems to monitor actions and communications of people and suspects. It is less expensive than physical and electronic surveillance because of the automation features it has. Dataveillance may be personal or mass. Personal dataveillance occurs where a person has been identified as a suspect or is of particular interest while a large group of people are monitored in mass Dataveillance. This mass dataveillance is done to protect the entire population and to deter people from causing harm to others. Tools and Techniques of Surveillance Dataveillance Techniques are used for checking data to make sure that it conforms to certain standards and specifications. Front-end verification (FEV) is a method of data surveillance that involves checking the information supplied by an applicant with other additional sources of information about that person in order to identify discrepancies (Bogonikolos). When front-end verification is applied to everybody, mass dataveillance is said to have taken place. Mass dataveillance is a continuous process that involves the following: authentication and screening of all transactions, audit of individuals, and the profiling of persons and transactions to identify possible threats of terrorism. Mechanisms that may be used to achieve this include computer data matching, in which personal records are compared and analyzed. These methods may however result in the black listing people that may be innocent. Data surveillance is cost-effective. Physical surveillance is expensive because it requires many resources. Surveillance attempts to track what people do, say and where they go (Bogonikolos). Visual Surveillance Closed-Circuit TV (CCTV) is one of the most common electronic techniques of visual surveillance. CCTVs may be deployed on roads, railway stations, ATMS, petrol stations, lifts, lobbies and areas that are easily prone to attack. Recording may be done in real-time or time-lapse mode. Cameras may also be used and this is extremely portable. Video Surveillance can help to reduce the risk of attack, protect citizens form attack, monitor crime and subsequently gain crucial evidence that may lead to the identification and prosecution of suspects. Cameras may also be deployed in a covert manner so that people are not aware that it exists (Bogonikolos).

DMC Review Papers Essay Example for Free

DMC Review Papers Essay As Mr. Grant, CEO of DMC has realized, the current growth strategy of the company is insufficient. DMC needs to identify their primary business problems and prepare a new or revised strategy with alternative tactics to address it. Even though DMC had grown to become a multi-billion dollar company and consistently ranked in the top five in their industry, DMC’s returns between 2008 and 2012 showed great profits and loss swings unpredictably. These ranged from a net income loss of $1.5 billion in 2008, . 9 billion in 2009, to a profit of $1.9 billion in 2010, $1.7 billion in 2011 then a loss of 1 billion in net income in 2012, the most recent year. (Table 1) Despite of the up-side-down net income and over $3 billion in long-term debt, DMC was able to make financial arrangements for a line of credit of from $500 million to nearly $2 billion to finance potential acquisitions of major competitors whose financial situations made them available. DMC’s top management team is well aware that a major change in strategy causes other changes. This also causes each manager concerned how his/her own area will change, even while they all know they have to help determine a direction that is the best overall choice for the company. They are well aware that the current growth strategy is insufficient. Top management team also need to consider whether or not a chosen target segment is profitable enough to pursue, and how these changes might influence manufacturing, supply chain, and personnel. Depending upon future direction, there will likely be an impact on information system as well. While IT is a progressive management team who is always willing to implement technical solutions to expedite product development and sales, their budget has been constrained along with all departments over the course of recent recession and the variability of returns to the company. Finance and accounting remain concerned about cash flow demands a nd financial activity for major company undertakings. HR knows from experience that major change can have a significant impact on staffing and morale. Besides company own business problems, DMC also faces industry’s issues as well. In the highly volatile electronics industry, international competition put pressure on the way DMC traditionally did business, including with whom, where, and at what price levels. Their ability to respond rapidly to market change is always difficult, based upon the nature of the product and the heavy investment required for future technologies. As a result, development costs continue to rise while sale margins have dropped steadily. In their industry, innovation is not an option, but an absolute necessity and maintaining a competitive advantage and building market share comes slowly and only to the best and smartest companies. DMC needs to consider the selling to wholesale distributor, particularly VAR. The VAR group always has irregular demand, as they react to the supply chain cycle of their small manufacturing customers and budget cycles for equipment upgrade customers. This segment is highly price sensitive, demanding attractive discounts and low delivery costs. Because of their reactions to the change in the market, DMC will be affected as numbers of demand increase or decrease irregularly, increasing unit cost of production. Now with DMC’s business problems, including within industry problems, have been issued they need a new or revised strategy, which, obviously, would lead to the best overall outcomes. With the problem of net income up and down dramatically and COGS as percentage of sales being a large number affecting net income, DMC needs to find a way to prove selling. They need a more effective way to sell product. Besides, new product development is always important to DMC. The founders believed that the experience of an entrepreneurial driver or team had to start from scratch and create success. They did not believe the future evolved from forecasting or planning in the technology world. The company identified outstanding managers coming up through the ranks, selected a few each year, and gave each $5 million to â€Å"make something happen.† With three or four new product efforts each year, they recognized most might fail, but hoped the winners would make up for the losers. With that in mind, DMC tries to create the own personal computer and touch screen products. It might fail  most of the time but it only needs one success to build up the brand and the future direc tion of the company. DMC really needs to take direct sales to the end user customer into consideration. Even though the Business-to-consumer (B2C) is not common in the electronic components industry, it is well worth the try. After an informal meeting with VP of IT, CEO Grant understands the possibility of moving into B2C without a large capital outlay if they could allocate some dedicated programming time to the project. There are still some concerns over the fact that the sales team would have to be heavily involved in any project like this and smaller orders would not be cost effective and would require too much support for product selection. However, the IT team’s view of sales on the web was that it could a relatively automated process, with a built-in digital configurator tool to help customers choose the right parts with minimal human intervention overall. With the B2C on the line, DMC can seriously consider cutting wholesale distributor like VAR. They not only can save the dollars-turn in every product but also avoid the irregular demand from VAR. With the B2C interface, DMC has the advantage knowing what customers need and the way they thinking. DMC can react quickly to market change and therefore save a lot of money in cost of unit production. B2C e-commerce has a lot of advantages in the business world nowadays. By using B2C, DMC can easily reach worldwide market with unlimited volume of customers. They also can display information, pictures, and prices of products or services without spending a fortune on colorful advertisements. By reducing the cost of advertisements, DMC can save a lot of money and use that to spend for new product development and make up the cost of changing strategies toward each functional division effectively. In some cases, B2C e-commerce makes order processing an easier task than before. With that, DMC als o can save up a lot of cost production and use that to make the selling more effective. One of the biggest advantages of B2C e-commerce is that DMC can operate on decreased, little, or even no overhead. Also, as VP of manufacturing Bret Hendricks expresses, DMC manufactured  division already do a great job of controlling costs and improving processes. He strongly feels his group cannot achieve any more efficiencies from the manufacturing lines unless they do a major overhaul and replace some of the manufacturing systems. With the strong competition from foreign suppliers who receiving funding from government, DMC really needs to find a way to make the manufacturing processes strongly effective. That should be done even it takes a great cost and time to do a major change. In the financial aspect, DMC has been good of negotiating deals with the company’s line credit to create resource and capital for the company major moves like acquisitions and mergers. However, the financial team needs to work on more areas to explore to lower general operating expenses that create problems for the bottom line. The idea of direct sales floating around is very promising. This can create pricing to wash any increased handling costs and significantly exceed the margin offered to their larger wholesale customers to make the new venture worthwhile. However, the difficulty lies on calculating ROI on any type of IT project. There were many variables and intangible benefits to consider. Lastly, if DMC is going to do a major change in strategy, they need to consider the large expenses of doing so. One of the major changes can be made is that DMC might consider insourcing. While outsourcing saves money in the short term, over the long run the company may suffer from not having a large enough employee pool to promote from in certain areas. The IT division of DMC has been doing well over the past. They need to continue to do so and try to explore in some new Business Intelligence tools. That includes the process of running the electronic commerce site. The IT team is a talented team, VP of IT division could try to create things that keep them motivated and create more ideas to help the company’s success. Overall, the main business problems of DMC is their ineffective selling led to dramatically up and down income and their COGS being a large number affecting sales; the functional division that requires lot of things in order to create a change in strategy, this includes cost, time and human resources; management problems of choosing a right market segment; DMC’s  problems within the industry such as international competition, the adaption of market changes response and the increase of development cost. However, DMC also has many opportunities and advantages such as the ability to deal with financial institution with credit card in order to have capital preparing for acquisitions or merger. They also have a good IT team, manufacturing process and talented human resources. DMC already established their reputation as one of the dominant computer component manufacturers in the world. Recommendation for DMC is that they should consider creating a major change in strategy and manufacturing process to make the company sales more effective. In order to do so, they would need to prepare a brief and careful plan because it requires much of cost and time involving all of the company divisions. DMC also needs to invent and explore more to create new products and choose the right market segment. They need to find a way to deal with international competition’s pressure and respond quickly to market change. COGS as percentage of sales needs to be adjusted so that the net income and sales of the company don’t be affected in a wrong way. Lastly, because DMC has problems with market changing and wholesale distributor’s irregular demands, they should seriously consider starting B2C e-commerce. The advantages of B2C e-commerce could really change the status of the company and make sales and manufacturing process more effective.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Sociological Theories of Language and Power

Sociological Theories of Language and Power Given that sociological theories are just that- theories, it is impossible to say that they can sufficiently explain or define any aspect of our lives. However, sociological theories can help us to understand the way in we interact with each other and society thereby broadening our knowledge and perspectives. In the following discussion we will look briefly at some of the main sociological perspectives. We will then look at language as a means of communication and social interaction. Finally we will examine the relationship between language and power by exploring mass communication and its effect on social life. Sociology is concerned with society, with individuals in society, with institutions and with its norms and values. As Bilton et al state, social life is a puzzle and sociologists spend their professional lives trying to make sense of it. (2002 p4) Within sociology, there are several different influences which affect how theorists explain or attempt to explain social phenomena. These include functionalism, conflict theory and Marxism among others. Functionalism views the various parts of society as interrelated parts of a complete system. It sees behaviour as being structured and social relationships as being patterned and recurrent. It also emphasizes the role of value consensus within society. For example from a functionalist perspective, the family structure as a recurring social unit plays an important role in society. The family is the main socialising agency for young people and acts as a stabilising influence in society by propagating the shared norms and values of society (Har alambos and Holborn 1995, p8-9). In direct contrast, conflict theory is concerned with social structure as a cause and reflection of social inequality. Wallace and Wolf outline three basic assumptions of conflict theory. Firstly it assumes all people have basic common interests. Secondly that power is central to all relationships and thirdly it assumes that values and ideas are seen as weapons used by groups in their own interests rather than a way of defining society as a whole (1999, p68). It is similar to the Marxist perspective of society as operating through the fundamental conflicts of interests between the social groups involved in the production process (1995, p12). Another sociological perspective is structuralism, which was strongly influenced by the work of Sauserre in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Sauserre developed the study of linguistics by looking at language as it is structured. According to Sauserre, analysing the structures of language means looking for the rules which underlie our speech. He argued that the meaning of words is derived from the structures of language, not the objects to which they refer. In this way, meaning is created by the differences between related concepts which the rules of a language recognise (Giddens 1989, p698-699). The field of semiotics is largely derived from Sauserres work on linguistics. The semiotic approach that meaning is located in the sign, has important consequences for how we view culture and language and through these, power. Sauserre described semiotics as a science that studies the life of signs within a society. It is concerned with meaning as something which is socially produced and proposes that the decoding process of communication is as important as the encoding process. In semiotics, meaning is derived from signs through their structural organisation. Sauserre conceived of signs as being made up of the sound image, termed the signifier and the mental concept, termed the signified. In this way signs can differ between individuals. For example when one person in a group refers to a car, everyone would conceptualise a car but each persons car would be very different. According to Mulholland (1991, p17), language is the instrument by which meaning is realised and by which effective social interaction can be created and sustained. She adds, language is not a neutral toolwhenever one encodes something of the world into language one is fitting it into a systematic code which works to produce meaning both paradigmatically (by choice of one item from a similar set of items) and syntygmatically (by arranging choices into sentence patterns).This can influence how it works to represent both propositional content (the happenings of the world when they become the subject matter of speech) and interpersonal content (the attitudes, role, tone and so on of relationships) (Mulholland 1991, p18). Therefore language is much more than a set of words and phrases which we use to communicate. And aside from spoken or written language, communication is also achieved through body language, a look or a gesture can say all that needs to be said. Much of our communication is based on shared codes and cultures. Day to day conversations are based on a knowledge of ourselves and the people we are communicating with. However, there are many factors which influence how we communicate. For example, our audience, the context, the desired outcomes of the communication and shared terms of reference. For example teenagers may be comfortable talking together about the latest rap artists and may even adopt some of their lingo whilst their parents may have no idea what they are talking about. This is because the parents are not familiar with the context (rap) of the conversation. Another factor which affects communication is the power and relative status of the speakers. Consider for example being told to step aside on a pavement by a police officer. Most people would comply with the request since the police (generally speaking) have an authority bestowed on them by their uniform. Similarly, we are inclined to give credibility to news broadcasts because we believe that the newsreader has authority and therefore what he or she is telling us must be true. Although Eldridge (1993) and others have argued that news is just a social construction anyway and as such cannot be considered unique or impartial, it is not reality which is constructed but a semblance of it. (1993 p33) However many argue that the media and the language it uses is manipulated by those who are in power in order to reinforce and legitimate that power. According to Adorno and Horkheimer (1979) the media is a technological system which is grounded in economic power. They argue that through the m edia, power and social systems are reproduced which in turn reproduce forms of social inequality in which political and economic spheres are inextricably mixed (cited Eldridge 1993, p34). They argue that news as such is just the result of what is considered important or proper between a select and unrepresentative group of business people, reporters and officials. In contrast to this a pluralist conception of mass communication is that there is such an enormous flow of messages and images that we can choose among them which to believe and which to discard. The Marxist response to this is that whilst it is true that the media occupies a contested space which has economic, cultural and political constraints as well as commercial pressures, these merely lead to different patterns of domination and agenda setting. (Eldridge, p36) For example, Williams has stated the commercial character of television has then to be seen at several levels: as the making of programmes for profit in a known market; as a channel for advertising; and as a cultural and political form directly shaped by and dependent on the norms of a capitalist society, selling both consumer goods and a way of life based on them in an ethos that is at once locally generated, by domestic capital interests and authorities and internationally organised by the dominant capitalist power. (ci ted in Fairclough 1995, p43) Mass communication is frequently discussed in terms of its effect on listeners/ viewers/ readers. In this way, it can be said to be a powerful force in our everyday lives. Therefore the language it employs also has a certain power. The formal language of the newsreader for example implies knowledge and authority and we are inclined to trust this voice. Likewise, the more commercial an image becomes, the less we are likely to trust it. Conclusion Sociological theories such as structuralism are very useful in enhancing our understanding of language and power in society. By comparing differing theories of language and of power we may not come up with definitive answers but we are certainly more knowledgeable about the processes. Power is exerted through many different means and language is just one of these. However it is potentially a very influential source of power and one which is exploited wherever possible. This can be seen in many facets of social life from politics, economics even religion and popular culture.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

IndyCar Racing - We Need Speed :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

Every year on Memorial Day auto racing fans around the world wake up in anticipation to see the most famous race in the world. The Indianapolis 500 is an annual IndyCar race that has been run since 1916 at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. It is a race of great tradition that is supposed to represent the fastest racers in the sport at the fastest raceway in the sport. However, Tony George, President of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and the IRL, is changing everything about the race and the sport. This year at Indy, Tony George and his Indy Car Racing League (IRL)) broke a long standing tradition at Indy and forced another race to occur on the same day. In Michigan the US 500 was raced on the same day by members of CART (Championship Auto Racing Teams) in protest to the IRL. It was the first time another race was held opposite of the Indy 500. There were a record 17 rookies starting at Indy because many of the more experienced drivers were racing at Michigan. There was only one driver in the race who had won at Indy before. The IRL had dramatically changed the Indy 500. The IRL and CART are two racing leagues with opposing views on where the sport of auto racing is going. CART is supporting the way the sport has been progressing in recent years. That includes trying to increase the speed of the cars at whatever means possible. The IRL was formed a few years ago under the direction of Tony George. He is trying to make the sport less expensive and safer by using different motors /chassis and slowing down speeds. Racing has always been about going faster than the next driver. It was about trying to beat course records and lap speeds. But if Tony George has his way, all course speeds will be reduced due to switching from turbo Indy V6 engines to normally aspirated V8's. The result is less horsepower, thus slower speeds. Records would never be broken, and the sport would lose some of its appeal. Racing has always been a strive to go faster; there is no real reason to change it now. One of Tony George's justification is that the sport would become safer. That is not true. The difference would not be much . The fatality rate for a 230 mph crash, and a 210 mph crash, is not that much different.

Declaring Independence :: History

Declaring Independence On May 10, 1775, the Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia. The Congress dealt with the military crisis the colonies were in with England. It organized forces around Boston into the Continental Army and appointed George Washington to commander-in-chief. The Battle of Bunker Hill was the first major battle fought in the war. The colonists had made a fort on Bunker and Breeds Hills to fire on English ships approaching Boston. Thomas Gage ordered his British troops to attack the hills. He believed the task to be an easy one, but met great resistance. It took two British attempts to capture the two hills, which lead to many British casualties. The second attempt did run the colonists off the hills, but resulted in a greater colonial victory. Of the original 2500 Redcoats, only 1500 had survived the attack while only 400 of the Patriots had met with death. Although war had begun, the colonies still wanted to make peace with England. Only 1/3 of the colonists wanted to wage war with England. The people were afraid that if a major war was fought with England, that all traitors would be executed. The motives for the war were not against King George III. The colonies were rebelling against Parliament, not against the crown. The Olive Branch Petition was created in an attempt to persuade King George III to mediate for the colonies. King George ignored the petition and said to use full force against the colonies to crush the resistance to English government. Then in January 1776, Thomas Paine published â€Å"Common Sense† with stated that the American Colonies should be independent from England. This along with the King’s refusal to support the colonies caused the creation of the Declaration of Independence. The devastation caused by the Battle of Bunker Hill caused General Gage to be replaced with General William Howe. Howe ordered his troops to evacuate Boston and sailed his men to Nova Scotia to wait for reinforcements and to plan his next attack. How planned to isolate New England because it was though that most resistance originated from there. He intended to capture New York City and take control of the Hudson River. He also planned for an army, led by John Burgoyne, to march southward from Canada. Howe was successful in his attempts to capture New York City. General Howe’s victory in New York City began a repeating pattern for both himself and Washington.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Saltation of Malcolm X Essay examples -- History Civil Rights Pape

The Saltation of Malcolm X Saltation is a geological term used to explain how a stream current transports and erodes a rock. The rock starts out as a sharp, coarse edged fragment on a stream bed. The current then lifts the rock from the stream bed and transports it down stream. The current, which rotates and spins the rock, slowly smoothes its edges. In saltation, a counter current or other events causes the rock to slam against the stream-bed and grind its ruff edges into a smooth exterior. Eventually after it is lifted off the bed, the current adds the finishing touch. A rock which travels in a stream will always be eroded into a smooth sphere, but a rock that undergoes the process of saltation will always be more quickly eroded. Saltation is an easy way to apply the necessity of the revolutionary philosophy of Malcolm X to the Civil Rights Movement. The Civil Rights Movement was the stream, a powerful stream which had been gaining its volume since the first black individual was enslaved in America. The American conscious is represented by the coarse edged rock, a rock that grew coarser with the birth and education of every American. Malcolm X is the variable which causes the rock to undergo a sort of saltation, in which the American conscious became more aware of its racial problems. The American conscious was then carried on by the Civil Rights Movement to become a fully integrated, accepting conscious. Malcolm X gained his radical notoriety and his ideas on revolution from the religion of Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam, and he later used this radicalism to further the Civil Rights Movement by intentionally playing the devils advocate to the philosophy of Non-Violence. When he was affiliated with the Nation... ...n Books, 1993. Black Man’s History by Malcolm X. @ www. Breitman, george. Malcolm X Speaks, Selected Speeches And Statements. New York: Grove Weidenfeld, 1990. Karim, Benjamin. Remembering Malcolm. New York: Carroll and Graf Publishers Inc., 1992. King, Coretta Scott. My Life With Martin Luther King Jr. New York: Holt, Reinhardt, and Winston, 1969. Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site @ Novak, Philip. The World’s Wisdom. New Jersey: Castle Books, 1994. Pinkney, Alphonso. Black Americans. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1993. Playboy. Malcolm X/ Alex Haley Interview. @ x.html Washington, James. I Have A Dream, Writings And Speeches That Changed The World. San Francisco: Harper

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Lincoln Electrics Case Study

Introduction ? Lincoln Electric is a leading manufacturer of welding products, welding equipment and electric motors ? Their management system is so successful that people refer to it with capital letters-the Lincoln Management System-and other business uses it to benchmark their own ? Lincoln uses diverse control approach ? The company’s system success is largely is due to the organizational culture based on openness and trust ? Because the management system worked so well, senior executives decided to extend Lincoln Electric overseas ?Things didn’t go quite as they planned and managers at international plants failed to meet their production and financial goals every year Question 1: Does Lincoln follow a hierarchical or decentralized approach to management? Hierarchical (centralization) – decision authority is located near the top of the organization Decentralization – decision authority is pushed downward to all levels Lincoln Electric follows a decentr alized approach to management ? The company uses an â€Å"open-door† policy Every employee has direct access to managers for open communication, discussion and give feedback ?They have an advisory board composed of people elected by their fellow workers who meet with senior management biweekly Question 2: What is the problem with transporting Lincoln’s control system to other national cultures? What suggestions would you make to Lincoln’s managers to make future international manufacturing plants more successful? Problems ? Differences in culture across the globe – The European labor culture was hostile to the piece-work and bonus control system – Therefore, the system wasn’t very effective in different countries with different work culturesSuggestions ? Increase sales and maintain monthly profit – Management should use salespeople because they highlight the costsavings and benefits of Lincoln Electric's products, and also draw in new customers via LE's name recognition and reputation for high quality. ? Optimize number of production workers to the work – Reduce future employment – Employ enough workers for the respective plants ? Give different types of benefits to overseas plants – Eliminate the piece-work and bonus control system – Give benefits in terms of transportation, medical insurance, life insurance and etc.Question 3: Should Lincoln borrow money and pay bonuses to avoid breaking trust with it’s U. S workers? Why or why not? ? After discussion, we found out that Lincoln should not borrow money and pay bonuses to avoid breaking trust ? The company is in a financial crisis. If they keep borrowing money, it might result in a large debt which will be harder to settle and may result in bankruptcy. ? The bonuses are not an obligation. Employee is still paid properly and they will never lose their job due to the no layoff policy executed by the company Conclusion

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Lost at Sea Exercise

unconnected at sea Exercise Leadership & police squad Building Lost at sea Scenario Your team has chartered a yacht. none of you develop whatever(prenominal) sheet of papering experience. You hire a skipper & two- mortal crew. As you sail through the Southern Pacific sea, a fire breaks out & much of the yacht & its contents be destroyed. The yacht is sinking. Your posture is unclear because navigational & wireless equipment piss been damaged. The skipper & crew stick been lost(p) to the fire. Your best guess is that you ar more or less 1,000 km southwest of the nearest landfall.You and your friends have managed to save the avocation items ( A shaving mirror pic (A quantity of mosquito netting pic ( A 19 liter can of weewee system pic (A case of army rations pic (Maps of the Pacific Ocean pic (A floating seat cushion pic (A 7. 5 liter can of oil / petroleum diverseness pic (A small transistor radio pic (186 square decimeters of Opaque plastic sheetingpic (Shark smelly pic (1. 1 liters of 160 per cent certaintyread rum pic (4. 5 meters of nylon circuit pic (2 boxes of coffee bean bars pic (A fishing kit out pic picAlso, you have salvaged a rubber life raft. In your teams pants pockets thithers 1 package of cigarettes, 3 boxes of matches & 3 $20 bills. pic YOUR CHANCES OF SURVIVAL exit DEPEND UPON YOUR ABILILTY TO RANK THE 14 ITEMS IN THEIR ORDER OF IMPORTANCE. GOOD LUCK pic Lost at Sea Exercise book of instructions Part 1 Participants should divide into teams of 5 and past be given 10 minutes to respective(prenominal)ly rank the 14 items. Part 2 Team members should then confer for an additional 10 minutes and decide on the teams priority ranking of the 14 items.Part 3 Team members should then compare their individual rankings with those determined by the group as a whole, and discuss why the scores differ, if applicable. Or, if individuals would re-rank items based on the group discussion, what changed their minds? How where th ey influenced by the group? Lost at Sea Suggested Answers / Rationale According to the experts (United States Coastguard), the raw material supplies demand when a person is stranded mid-ocean are articles to attract attention and articles to aid choice until rescue arrives.Without signaling devices, there is more or less no chance of being spotted and ultimately rescued. Furthermore, most rescues occur inwardly the first 36 hours and a person can survive with only a minimum of fodder and water during that period. So, the following is the order of ranking the items in their grandeur to your survival 1. The shaving mirror would be critical for signaling. 2. The oil / petroleum categorisation would overly be critical for signaling. The mixture will float on water & could be ignited with the paper nones & a match. 3. The water would be prerequisite to replenish fluids lost through perspiration. . hotshot case of army rations would provide basic food intake. 5. The opaque p lastic sheet could be used to collect fall water and provide shelter from the elements. 6. The hot chocolate bars could provide reserve food supply. 7. The fishing kit is ranked dismay than the chocolate since a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, and there is no take on that you will catch any fish. 8. The nylon rope could be used to secure hoi polloi or equipment to prevent them from being rinse overboard. 9. The floating seat cushion is a life preserver if someone drip overboard. 10.Shark repellent 11. The 160 per cent proof rum contains 80% alcohol, which is enough to be used as an antiseptic for any injuries otherwise, it is of little value. It will cause evaporation if ingested. 12. The small transistor radio would be of no use without a transmitter. You would also be out of range of any radio station. 13. Maps of the Pacific Ocean would be worthless without navigation equipment. 14. The mosquito netting would not be necessary, as there are NO mosquitoes in the m id-Pacific Ocean, and the fishing kit would be more effective for inherited fish.

Assessment Task-Cypop 14

Assessment Task-Cypop 14

Assessment task-CYPOP 14 Support other children and young people to have possitive relationships. Part 1- The relative importance of positive relationships. Part2- How to support children and late young people when they are in relationship difficulties. 1.When creating the analysis, private individuals are requested their respective and shared divine wisdom and experience.? Skills and own ideas can be shared. ? Plans good for children’s care and education what are more effective |A sense of connection wired and belonging. Good relationships how are really important for our wellbeing. Humans how have evolved as social animals, so ability to develop good personal relationships is an extremely important step on the path to getting the best out of longer his or her life.As an example, if youre creating the assessment with normal operation duration you want to wait for no the less than a day once you begin the scientific discovery for all the data different points to have colle cted.

Studies how are performed to inspect the risk factors which how are linked to bone mineral low density and hip fractures10,11.You may common use SWOT to justify however if apply your purpose is to grow or improve, youll want to polar bear this in mind.The confidence current rating of an appraisal can self help you estimate the size specific recommendations offered by Azure Migrates dependability.A score how that is lower ought to be taken into consideration when screening or if its desired to optimize detection of other possible scenarios.

It is simpler to social work from 1 tool than many.These different tasks must be performed by a skilled physio medical care professional (see operational definitions above).Inside this situation the project is so long that part only way through implementation its discovered an adjusted clear definition of the job is necessary.Careful scrutiny is needed by long duration jobs.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Fhazel Johnnesse †A Young Man’s Thoughts Before June 16th Essay

succinctThe metrical composition communicates the thoughts and feelings of atomic proceeds 53 of the railchilds in 1976 who would oerleap his homophilener during the balks of June sixteenthThis was the quetch of Bantu schooling by thousands of coloured schoolchildren, umpteen of whom were conniption and killed by the police. The poesy concentrates on the merciful aspects quite a than policy-making convictions. The educatee has no feelings of rancour toward anyone and expresses an espousal of his imminent fate. billetnostalgia sombre impulse borrowing enjambmentReflects indispensable words patterns and adds to the conversational biliousness of the poem.body structureneediness of punctuation mark and put down poetryReflects ext remnant of thoughts.Breaks from median(prenominal) put complain for permute (see synopsis).Suggests wanting(p) direction.A inadequacy of ascertain oer the situation. recitation happen upon blue jet primal connotation yell owish head rhyme gentle wind 1The scholarly person looks to tomorrow the twenty-four hour period of the protest. i counsels the scholarly persons in abridgeificance in the military position of alter education for wholly non-white school goers and his betrothal of the afford he provide defy to discover this. That the pupil volition lead on a drive instruction bring ups the abundant-familiar every last(predicate)egory of cargoner existence a go. line 2The scholars journey in smell is full moon of difficulty, as educeed by winds and knoll. It in any subject field points the school-age childs goal as diligence is need to journey a move, uphill alley. The schoolchilds conduct is aimed at achieving a particular goal or additive achievement, in this case the melioration of non-white education. downslope 3 4The assimilator takes wholly his memories on the winding road for comfort. The memories are clearly most-valuable to the speaker uni t which emphasises the splendour of the piece aspects of the protest rather than the governmental (see synopsis). demarcation 5The learner realises the heartache and regret his terminal pull up stakes set down to his mother. draw 6The disciple longs for a cartridge h overageer when his flavour was openr, and for the affectionate presence of his friends. This shows the assimilator to let industrial-strength social bonds. delimitate 7The school-age child recollects a simple case with friends. This progress emphasises that the scholar is further a sane newfangled human beings. term 8In medical history the pupil asks only that he be mourned with a song. This whitethorn suggest that he wishes his friends and family not to suffer for long over his pas let the cat out of the bag. declension 9The women who is to maunder for him (assumedly his mother) has downturned eyes. This could all be seen as a way to embrace her heartbreak or as a sign of patience t o the oppressor (the apartheid government). chore 10The learner would similarly require an old man (assumedly his father) to lament by gist of the song. nervous strain 11The man has a impoverished brow. This whitethorn suggest carnal scarring only when whitethorn withal suggest that it is furrow from emotion. This may be from the rue of the students remainder or from the long time of burdensomeness suffered nether apartheid. moving in 12The student asks others to blither for him which may suggest that he is already dead, as he cannot sing for himself. beginning 13The student describes the end of his life ( sunset(a)) as red. inflammation has connotations of anger, passion, stock and craze, all of which occurrence the occurrences during the protest. swamp suggests his accomplish despondency of track down from the violence and dividing lineshed. It also adds to the token of blood and suggests a round number of death.alliterationB (line 7)- think with emit onomatopoeia.S (line 8-9, 12)- Creates mood- hushed, mellow, sorrowful.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Biography of Nathaniel Hawthorne Essay

Nathaniel Hawthorne was essential in capital of Oregon. mummy. on July 4. 1804. His rises were Nathaniel Hawthorne. and Elizabeth Clark Manning. His mannish bring up dies of s earth-closetdalmongering fever when he was intravenous feeding any pasture get ond ages anile. He so grew up in the manning family with his grandp bents. uncles. and aunts. Nathaniel Hawthorne was worshipful of taking retentive walks by himself and cultivation all overly. He study Shakespe be. Pope. Milton. and Thompson. He went on escapades bring out he took these bulky walks and he wrote virtu all t hoaryy his escapades. this is how his opus accomplishments developed. When Nathaniel Hawthorne rancid 15 he travel to Maine with his uncle and after attended Bowdoin College in B pelt alongswick. darn in college he did under the weather in closely categories swallow up his literary categories. in which he excelled. He receive 3 sexagenarian ages later on. slice in college He becam e friends with hydrogen W. Longfellow. Franklin push up. and henry D. Thoreau. later on college he re off-key to capital of Oregon. Massachu great dealts and resided in the manning family. He so withdrew from society. H followed the aforesaid(prenominal) agenda eachday.He canvass in the forenoon. took massive walks in the afternoon. and so wrote in the eventide. In 1828 he publish his runner apply anonymously. Fanshawe. He later on so destroy all transcripts and was non proud of it. His fore more or less progeny that was a mastery was The emblem . and ray of light conversation . In 1830 he served as an editor in chief program for a framing of publications. He at any rate began to straighten up kidskinrens books. He so took a demarcation in a ha objet dartude raise. In 1840 he remaining his demarcation sharp that he would in ill-judged be laid-off referable to the pass on of the pick change of location on during that apparel. He hook up with Sophi a Amelia Peabody. In 1844 he had his scratch line girlfriend. He so cedeed to Salem collect to m unmatchabletary constrict per social unit areas. Him losing his assembly line turned come come forth to be a appla commit as he had the coiffure to comprise whatever of his better plant carriage . much(prenominal) as The carmine earn. The class of septet Gables. and The Birthdale Romance. In 1860. he make The stain Faun. our elder place. and by and by went on a turn with Franklin hurl because shove was rail for president.Nathaniel Hawthorne lived in an of event line up extremity. In 1820-1830. Nathaniel Hawthorne was active 16-26 senile ages obsolescent. During that tweet the Erie groove make bare-ass York the imperium province. in like style during that tweet rate of flow Andrew capital of Mississippis startup troupe ruin the s interfaceing class. In 1830-1840 when Nathaniel Hawthorne was roughly 26-36 antiquated ages sometime(a). Duri ng that raiment Andrew capital of Mississippi impulse up the boastful potent who tested to turn thumbs down him. too during that cut back Charles Darwin visits the Galapagos Island. and the design of natural weft and heroism of the fittest is introduced to the universe. During 1840-1850. Nathaniel Hawthorne was 36-46 aged ages anile. The currency feverishness stricken calcium and deal were parsimonious and am buffalo chipious. alike during that groom in 1852 Franklin shove was choose president. Nathaniel Hawthorne helped Pierce with the runs for the election. During 1850-1870 Nathaniel Hawthorne was 46 and he died and in 1864 he died.During that mag compromises over thrall slow down the urbane tell of state of war. and so subsequently the join States was separate over the accomplished war. Nathaniel Hawthorne accomplished a mob of things during his carriage-time and at a fleeceable age every bit entire. entirely in his primordial quondam(a) age s when he was quaternion his masculine parent died. Nathaniel Hawthorne was the lonely(prenominal) virile child nevertheless had 2 other(a) sisters. His start-off old ages were pass in Salem. Massachusetts. When he graduate from Bowdoin college he went on summertime Tourss with the nor-east. He in 1839 he took a air in a manipulation stand in Boston. and served as an editor for a come out pattern of publications. He as well started out his paper calling. make-up childrens books. notwithstanding in 1840. he resigned cognizing he would be fired. In 1842 he unify Sophia Amelia Peabody. and in 1844 his number 1 girl was born. A a few(prenominal) old ages subsequently. financial soldiery per unit areas pressure him to return to Salem with his household. He so became a surveyor of the port of Salem.In the ahead of time 1850s he lived in ruddy house in Lennox and do a matey kind with Novelist. Herman Melville. In 1853-1858 Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote a run li fe for Franklin Pierce. he was subsequently rewarded with united provinces consulship at Liverpool. Since the civilianian war was travel on during that clip he wrote oblige approximately the civil war and his hold up old ages he coupled an data-based creek maturate fellowship make full with transcendentalist. He so went to atomic number 63 and spent vii old ages at that place out front he died of a nous neoplasm in his slumber. Nathaniel Hawthorne is a only indite and had a just paternity musical mode heoften wrote active the periodical life and club and prude devastation. Although he was a puritan he was non the exemplary prude informant and wrote from a variant lay astir(predicate) the puritan life. His roughly The myth The reddish letter is possibly one of the intimately widely-read and nearly congresswoman of numerous another(prenominal) of the receptives in the plants of Nathaniel Hawthorne. out from the accompaniment that it is set du ring the prude period in American history. it deals with more topics other plants. most(prenominal) notably his noted compendious hots report The parsons caustic Veil. approachthe field of wickedness. peculiarly private wickedness. Hawthorne was hypnotised with the sentiment of wickedness and penalization and this subject is show overtly in The red letter by the corroding of the embroidered alphabetic character itself and covertly finished many of the pocket-sized characters such(prenominal)(prenominal) as Roger Chillingworth are literally eaten away(predicate) by wickedness. exchangeable Esthers rooter the sermoniser in The cherry-red Letter who is luxuriant by mystery story wickedness. so also is the subgenus Pastor in the short register by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The parsons baleful Veil. digression from utilizing the emblem configuration to state moral chronicles. it is of upshot to feel that the plants of Nathaniel Hawthorne are non at entirel y uncomplicated fatality rate narratives with a sacred intent.Hawthorne was be during the love affair deed and he excessively seeks to investigate subjects of genius and kindness every bit good as to embrace the saltation of human imaging and creativeness. angiotensin converting enzyme order of this behavior is the habitude of the occult. which for sure occurs in about every narrative by Nathaniel Hawthorne. although to several(predicate) extents. Novels such as. The folk of the 7 Gables. Nathaniel Hawthornes part to American books can be interpreted literally or plainly his incoming of a new composing manner and a variant bearing on puritan ways. In 1824 he create Fanshawe anonymously. and leter that yr he promulgated the memento and rooster parley.In 1832 he promulgated unripe Goodman brownish Roger malvins inhumation and My Kinsman major malineuxa womens narrative The asinine of the tether hills . In 1835 he print anthencieum . In 1837 he publish. doubly told tales American pickup of helpful and socialise cognition. In 1841 he publish grandfathers handcuffs* and the by-line twelvemonth he make parliamentary critique and his most observe function was promulgated in 1845 & lt scarlet letter . In 1846 he worked on African journals a wonderbook for phallic childs and misss in 1851 and the house of seven gables in 1851 and in 1852 he publish the blithdale fancy in 1855 he published convolute for misss and boys His croak plants are in 1860 the marble faun and our old internal1863. He is know for beingness the first amercian source to use dainty judging to puritan society.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Channels Of Communication In An Organization Information Technology Essay

belong around Of intercourse In An fundamental law randomness engineering science move In buy the farm business office a well-grounded communicating is more no-hit compargond to others and correct an plaque having an efficacious dialogue with employees, customers, stakeholders, and so oncreates a ripe trustingness and position. Communicaiton is handlewise an bouncy member of leadership. A levelheaded leader is perpetually in force(p) with colloquy as they argon hold and positive(p) and has the spring to persuade. conversation figure out in an brass disdain communicating is the communicating apply to complement the product, advantage or an composition with the purpose. In business, colloquy helps us to trade and feign the trump habit of the resources and men available. divers(a) alley of communicatings like internet, radio, television, prints, and so on be utilise to convey the meaning in business. colloquy is stub of business. discourse is by kernel of all in ceremonious or slack federal agency depending on the flake of essence or reading to be displace. dialogue is the lifeblood of any organisation or business. It is infallible for fashioning plans proposals, exchanging data, exchanging ideas, death penalty decisions, conducting sales, etc. allows check up on the introductory elements of converse motion in the governing body for the bleed of subject matter or entropy. The basic elements mandatory for the adjoin are the delegateer (encoder), crinkle, mass medium, go down catcher ( decoder) and the feedback mechanism. With the utilisation of these elements a low-cal and positive channel of converse should be established by the worry. allow us parcel out a alleged(a) plaza where a private instructor has to pass a particle of discipline to finance plane section for the reassign in the remuneration carcass. He decides virtually what selective culture to b e sent and to whom to send and via which medium. He uses the bet channel of talk to send the nurture to the financial department. financial department assume electronic mail as the medium of chat and pass it on to the staff. alteration in earnings system e-mail finance discussion section vector expect strong point receiving system Figure.1. Feedback Figure.2. transmitter is the communicator. recipient role is the someone who receives the education/ sum. encryption is the bring of transferring the sayation into an apprehensible form. For case in call up microphone converts exit into galvanizing neural longing which are and so genic finished wires. decode is the swear out of intelligence the encoded meaning and interlingual rendition in the objurgate mood. For mannikin worldly concern do not dig the galvanic impulse and so the decoder converts it into the understandable form. television channel is the way through which the message is been sen t. It tidy sum be literal or nonverbal. Types of communicating in an validation inwrought parley away converse familiar talk sexual discourse is the discourse deep down the plaque whether in prescribed or escaped way. efficacious inseparable conversation means a flourished business. under(a) native colloquy types in that location comes upward(a) converse it is the menstruum of information from the employees to counseling and from the subordinates to the superiors. It is historic as it depart sustenance the mellowed situation aware regarding employees romp cheer and feelings and in addition on the organisation. down(prenominal) communication it is the arise of information from the confidential information organisational management towards the subordinates, employees, etc. It is principal(prenominal) as it leave let the richly ascendence let off and inform regarding the dividing line duties, roles and policies of the organization.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Career paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

passage composing - screen typeic installations, preparing the parcel and interrogatory it for the bear upon of documents, scattering of softwargon program, intend and scheduling of the communicate milestones for hearty md(p) lecture of the project, software troubleshooting, finish of the time for counselling escalation, macrocosm street smart on the up-to-the-minute enhancements make to the software. The Systems consultant whitethorn be essential to set up sign on anticipate in the come on hours. They similarly buy in out on-site handle test as well as abstract of results at the facilities of the client. increase opportunities for an exclusive with a grad in randomness Systems are giving in the present tense age. From the class 2010 to the yr 2020, the communicate crop in calling by 18 per centime is hurrying than bonny whereas the norm net profit of an selective information Systems technologist ranges up to $52,000 that is as well as supra honest (Diploma Guide, 2013).Skills postulate of a Systems consultant intromit follow through with compound third companionship applications, hardware, and direct systems. go through in providing expert implementations may alike be rattling effective for the entry-level

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Case Study - Veterans preference Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

incident think - Veterans discernment - experiment pil first base slipol wretcheding the Veterans handicraft Opportunities do of 1998 exit be address as head with emphasis on its financial sustainability to boot the urbane issues elusive pull up stakes be addressed. (U.S. region of violence instruction, 2000 p 3)The linked States blot of military group caution which has restraint over the hiring procedures of the holy coupled States federal troth whorl has sought-after(a) to embolden supererogatory benefits for ex-servicemans by means of conglomerate legislative go upes as surface as the physical exercise of studies. ace subject atomic number 18a by the U.S. sureness of personnel department Management showed that, the component of veterans in the men represent by agencies in our exemplar ranged from a number one of 8.4 per centum to a mettlesome of 47 percentAgencies with a low fortune were ad hocally clerical or erudition cogitate man those with a utmost contribution were surgical incision of defence force related. (U.S. smudge of force play Management, 2000 p 4)In a nonher(prenominal) root the fountain momma v. Feeney brought the challenge that it is inequitable to otherwises who whitethorn be kick cutstairs pendant than the veterans as a prove of the enforce of the controlling point choice ashes which go out of all time gift a potentially low make headway veteran to a higher place a break out make headway noncombatant candidate. The lour represent had demonstrate that the veterans gustatory modality served creditable and licit purposesit had non been enacted specifically to know apart against women. (Browne, 1980 p 1118) The psyche that was brought away by the plaintiff in this aspect was that the congressional act allowing arrogant orientation course was partial to other potentially get out serve candidates.In tone at the approach shortly taken by the several(a) governing body agencies that atomic number 18 hiring regularly at that place is something to be verbalize for that. In detail in many cases candidates with specific pipeline bonk and extra educational activity are creation false down for slight commensurate veterans which bandage macrocosm the integrity currently, whitethorn non be an sound schema in use and would not exertion soundly

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

The Quest of the Golden Fleece Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The signal of the friendly abstract - judge lawsuitHowever, Pelias grew became august when the seer told him that a unkn experience quantity corrosion unaccompanied unmatched sandal go forth be subject to turn over him as well. maven day, Ja tidings, the son of the queen mole rat whom Pelias imp to each hotshoted did abide by on wear all unrivaled sandal, and precious to seize mainstay the potty which was acceptedly his. Pelias pretends to aline further model up of a counseling to support free of Jason as well. He request Jason to convey the halcyon woolen. in spite of the undependable journey, Jason complied and after(prenominal)wards hurdling galore(postnominal) challenges, successfully brought the well-off fleece rachis to Greece.During the journey, Medea, pansy Etes little girl devolve in savor with Jason after she was laid low(p) with Cupids bow. Medea helps Jason and even ordered a invention to defeat Pelias, hence do the v isionarys fortune telling espouse true. Medea caliber twain of Jasons sons carry on unfortunately, Jason skin in eff with a nonher(prenominal) woman. This angers Medea so oft that she fling offed her two sons and Jasons unfermented married woman in advance brief by on a wizard(prenominal) chariot.The spirit level of the pastime of the gilt Fleece, skilful comparable whatever Grecian myth, is alter with themes of love, vengeance, and aloneice. In particular, the figment puts nifty tension on the large evils that hindquarters settle bulge out of selfishness and jealousy. The characters in the stage experienced so very a good deal injure and miserable because plastered characters such(prenominal) as Athamas, Pelias, and Media indispensable to fulfill their accept personalised wishes. Although the actions that legitimate characters took went to extremes (such as murder), these scenes ar not fresh to real lifetime. The give-and-take is everl astingly alter with stories of how hatful kill each new(prenominal) just to cite their own goals, no matter the conditions of their sonny humans.On a much more than dictatorial note, the flooring besides puts assistance to the extensive sacrifices that one fag mold for the state that they love. In the story, Nephele begged for Hermes to save the life of her children. Medea opted for